Yesterday, Democrats unveiled their most radical amnesty bill ever: A 353-page bill called the U.S. Citizenship Act designed to give amnesty, benefits, and American citizenship to somewhere between 11 and 22 million illegal aliens.
The amnesty giveaway would apply to convicted criminal illegal aliens too, and if an illegal alien committed too many crimes to automatically qualify, the Biden administration would have the power to grant them a "humanitarian waiver."
And as if there weren't enough illegal alien criminals in the country already, the legislation would also allow previously deported illegal aliens with criminal records to re-enter the US, receive amnesty, and get put on a path to citizenship.
Democrats are hoping to hold their first votes on this bill NEXT WEEK and they are confident that there will be GOPers lining up to support it.
You MUST fight back and kill this bill before it advances!
Quickly, send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and force them to KILL the U.S. Citizenship Act, by any means necessary... or else!