Will you donate just $3 to help keep our government in check?
The border crisis is getting worse and worse by the day. So far in 2021, there have been more than 5x as many apprehensions at the border as there were this time last year. May's number of apprehensions were 8x larger than May of 2020.
What is the Biden administration doing? Not only are they leaving the border wide open, but they are promising amnesty and citizenship to anyone who makes it across. That is why we are seeing this surge. The Democrats' amnesty bill offers legal residency and a pathway to citizenship for practically every single illegal alien who makes it across before the bill gets signed into law...
Enough is enough. We need to stop this madness before Biden and the Democrats are able to ram it through!
Don't let the Democrats (and their GOP allies) stab us in the back!
Please, send your urgent FaxBlast right now and FORCE Congress to secure the border and kill the Schumer/Pelosi amnesty plan before it's too late!