
Alert: Dems Rushing To Push Through Radical Bills!

Democrats know that Joe Biden is circling the drain. All six of the most recent polls show that the American people want Joe Biden, and his agenda, gone.

The Left knows that the window of opportunity to pass their radical agenda into law is closing. Now, they are rushing to pass the "Clyburn Rule," allowing them to bypass the filibuster on any issue pertaining to "Constitutional rights."

New abortion laws, gun control regulations, protections for election fraud, free speech crackdowns, and even mandatory vaccinations would all be on the table and the GOP would be powerless to stop it.

If this rule change passes, it's over. You MUST fight back and stop them!

Please, you need to send your instant message to Congress right now and DEMAND that they block the "Clyburn Rule" from passing, at all costs!

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