Remember that letter that the National School Board Association sent to Biden demanding the DOJ prosecute parents as domestic terrorists for attending school board meetings?
Well, one of the main "examples" that the NSBA and Biden used to justify the crackdown has now been debunked. In June, Scott Smith was arrested at a school board meeting in Loudoun County, VA, but not because he was being a domestic terrorist... No, we now know Scott was arrested because he showed up to the school board meeting demanding answers for why his daughter was raped by a transgender student in the girl's bathroom and why the school tried to cover it up.
Biden is now using this father's arrest as an excuse to weaponize the DOJ and FBI against all conservative parents who show up to school board meetings.
There is still time to stop this. There is still time to pull the plug on this insane memo. But it is up to YOU to demand it!
Quick, send your urgent FaxBlast to Congress right now and FORCE them to cut off all funding and BLOCK Biden's plan to prosecute conservative parents as domestic terrorists!