
Breaking: Biden Finalizing Unconstitutional Vax Mandate!

OSHA has begun the process of adding Joe Biden's vaccine mandate to the Federal Register. They are going to force major companies to fire workers who choose not to get the vaccine.

In some ways, the fact that they are finalizing the federal regulation is good news because now that they are actually putting it in writing and making it official, that means we can kill it!

Congress has the power, through a simple majority, to pass a Congressional Review Act resolution and permanently revoke Joe Biden's vaccine mandate.Not only would it end this current vaccine mandate, but it would make it illegal for any other President to ever try it again.

We only need to flip five Democrats in the House and one in the Senate to win this fight! But it is up to YOU to force the vote!

Please, you need to join today's FaxBlast campaign and force Congress to STOP Biden's vaccine mandates from going into effect before it's too late!

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