
Breaking: Biggest Caravan EVER Is Marching On The Border!

The Mother of All Caravans will leave Central America and begin marching on the US border this Saturday. Early estimates say it will have more than 65,000 illegal aliens in it. This is the biggest caravan ever to march on the border and the organizer says the migrants are 'ready for war,' if necessary.

We are facing a full-fledged invasion and Biden plans to just let them all in. The Supreme Court has ordered Biden to reinstate the Remain in Mexico Policy, to keep caravans like this from forcing their way into the US. But "conveniently," Biden is waiting until after the caravan arrives to secure the border...

There is a bill - H.R. 1259 - that would force Biden to close the border and force all of these caravan migrants to remain in Mexico (rather than be released into the US pending their court hearing). But it is up to YOU to force the vote on it

Stop Biden from releasing the caravans into the US! Send your urgent FaxBlast to Congress right now and FORCE them to pass the REMAIN in Mexico Act into law before it's too late!

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