
Breaking: Biden Beginning To Remove Unvaccinated Soldiers!

Biden's vaccine mandate against American businesses is stalled in the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. The Judges took one look at it and declared that it would irreparably violate Americans' Constitutional rights.

But while the OSHA vaccine mandate is halted, the Military's mandate is still moving full speed ahead.

Tens of thousands of Marines, Sailors, and Airmen are set to be removed from the military. In the Army, soldiers who refuse the vaccine are being "flagged" to prevent their advancement or reenlistment. Practically all requests for religious exemptions are being rejected.

Biden is literally purging the Military of religious and conservative soldiers!

These men and women answered the call to protect you. Now, they desperately need your help to protect them!

Stop Biden from purging the military! Send your urgent, no-time-to-waste FaxBlast to Congress right now and FORCE them to pass H.R. 3860 and put an END to Biden's military vaccine mandate!

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