
Update: McConnell & Schumer Close To Election Fraud Deal

We are winning the fight against election fraud. The Democrats' nationwide election fraud bill died last week and more and more states are changing their laws to stop a repeat of the 2020 election fraud.

The Traitor Republicans in Congress, however, are eager to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. They are finalizing a "compromise" with Democrats to amend the Electoral Count Act of 1887 to make it impossible for future Congresses or Vice Presidents to dispute fraudulent Electoral College results.

If Democrats were to steal states again, Congress would have no choice but to certify the fraud...

The GOP is literally offering to surrender to the Left's election fraud... You CANNOT let this happen!

Stop McConnell and the RINOs from surrendering on election fraud while you still can! Please, end your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and force them to BLOCK this "compromise" amendment to the Electoral Count Act!

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