Children are in grave danger. Children are being continuously exploited and harvested and abused and raped and enslaved.
And it’s largely the Biden regime's fault.
Hundreds of thousands of unaccompanied children are trafficked in the US each year, and the number is on the rise given the disastrous policies of Democrat leaders who hold both chambers of Congress and the presidency.
This week, Sara Carter released a two-part interview with a human trafficker on Fox News. During the first part of the interview, the trafficker, whose identity was concealed and spoke through a female translator, spoke of the drug and sex trafficking boom happening on the US Sourthern Border.
During the second part of the interview, the trafficker spoke without emotion about the child organ trade, graphically discussing how they remove the child’s organs and stuff them with drugs, trafficking the tiny, vulnerable humans full of dope for a double pay off.
These children have no one to protect them. When we hear stories like this we want to hug our children tight. But these trafficked children have no one to hug or care for or advocate for them.
These children are a product, and demand is booming.
According to the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), “Transparency when it comes to immigration is a rare commodity from a president who once pledged to ‘bring transparency and truth back to government.’”
The CIS continues, discussing how Biden’s border policies are directly to blame for this humanitarian crisis.
“Biden and his immigration advisors have concluded that the [Immigration and Nationality Act] INA is inherently ‘inequitable’ and that justice would be better served by providing migrants with ‘safe, orderly, and legal pathways ... to be able to access our legal system,’ in immigration court cases that can take years to complete.”
CIS estimates that “more than 251,700 unaccompanied alien children (UACs), minors who have entered the country illegally without parents or other adults” have come into the country during the past two fiscal years.
Immigration policy requires these children to be released by the Department of Homeland Security to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The HHS database shows that they have custody of around 11,000 children per day. HHS eventually releases the children to the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) for placement in the community.
HHS also admittedly lost nearly 20,000 of the children it had released, according to a report from CIS. No big deal, right?
Just in case you think CIS is a biased source, according to the government’s official “UC Program Factsheet,” in FY 2021 alone, DHS referred 122,731 unaccompanied children to ORR.
We are talking about a humanitarian crisis on the US Southern Border – not in the middle east or Africa or Afghanistan or Ukraine. Here in the US, children are being trafficked and harvested and raped and enslaved.
These illicit industries have always existed, but never in our history has the US Federal Government been so openly complicit in these children’s sad, lonely journey. As I reported in early 2021, Biden’s border policies have emboldened the traffickers because DHS/HHS/ORR are completing the final, most expensive and dangerous, leg of the trafficking journey.
According to one of my sources in HHS, it is common for HSS workers to resign from the agency after an assignment at the border. The experience drives them to leave the agency due to the horror they witness with children in US Government facilities.
It is our duty to stand in the gap for these, mostly black and brown but all vulnerable, children being exploited by our government’s incompetence, negligence, and criminality.
DEMAND FOR REMEDY: Close the border and release the full weight and power of the US government on the drug-, human-, organ-trafficking trades and their flows through the US Southern Border.
We must attack supply as much as demand, and go after those who are purchasing children and parts of children.
The truth, no matter who it implicates.
Save the Children.
Here is today’s letter to Congress.
Children are being continuously exploited and harvested and abused and raped and enslaved.
And it’s largely the Biden regime's fault. If you do nothing, it’s your fault as well.
This week, Sara Carter released a two-part interview with a human trafficker who spoke without emotion about the child organ trade, graphically discussing how they remove the child’s organs and stuff them with drugs, trafficking the tiny, vulnerable humans full of dope for a double pay off.
These children have no one to protect them. When we hear stories like this we want to hug our children tight. But these trafficked children have no one to hug or care for or advocate for them.
These illicit industries have always existed, but never in our history has the US Federal Government been so openly complicit in these children’s sad, lonely journey. Your border policies have emboldened the traffickers and DHS/HHS/ORR are completing the final, most expensive and dangerous, leg of the trafficking journey.
We are talking about a quarter of a million children in just the past two years.
These children are mostly black and brown but all are vulnerable. They are being exploited by YOUR incompetence, negligence, and criminality.
DEMAND FOR REMEDY: Close the border and release the full weight and power of the US government on the drug-, human-, organ-trafficking trades and their flows through the US Southern Border.
We must attack supply as much as demand, and go after those who are purchasing children and parts of children. Even if they are powerful people. Even if they are in Congress.
The truth, no matter who it implicates.
Remember Your Oath. Save the Children.