On Friday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped to its lowest level since 2020. “The Dow” represents 30 of the most highly capitalized and influential companies in the U.S. economy, which makes it the financial media's most referenced U.S. market index. It’s seen as a good indicator of general market trends.
That indicator suggests the trend isn’t good.
Plunging -486 points on Friday, the Dow gave investors a depressing start to their weekend.
Back during the Presidential Election, before Democrats decided to cancel the debates because their candidate was an inarticulate vegetable, President Trump predicted this.
“If he’s elected, the stock market will crash,” the 45th President said.
From The Daily Wire this morning, “According to conservative polling group InteractivePolls, which posted the clip from the debate to social media, the tech-heavy NASDAQ had risen 44% once Trump was 612 days into his first term. At the same point in Biden’s tenure, however, the index has fallen more than 19%.”
In other news, gas prices have reversed their decline, with Fox Business reporting:
“The average price for a gallon of regular gasoline in the U.S. started rising again in the past week, after declining for nearly 100 days in a row during the summer driving season. The price on Sunday was $3.417 a gallon, according to AAA. That makes it five straight days of increases that began on Wednesday morning, when the price ticked up to $3.681 per gallon from $3.674 the previous day.”
Remember that, according to the Energy Information Administration, the week Biden took office, the national average price of a gallon of gasoline was $2.38.
Despite the overwhelmingly bad economic news, the Biden Administration is continuing to gaslight the American people. In response to August economic data, Biden’s September 2, 2022 speech was a fairytale:
“We received more good news. In August, the economy created 315,000 new jobs. The great American jobs machine continues its comeback. American workers are back to work, earning more, manufacturing more, and building an economy from the bottom up and the middle out. But with today’s news, we have now created nearly 10 million new jobs since I took office. Nearly 10 million jobs — the fastest growth in all of American history.”
Lying to the American people got one president removed in the 1990s, did it not? #Precedent
Updated economic data for September is expected in mid-October. The best thing this administration can do for American families is to resign.
Here is today’s letter to Congress.
American families are hurting, and the market trends are erasing family savings – and hope – across the nation.
Joe Biden couldn’t destroy the economy this spectacularly by accident. The policies driving this economic change appear designed to destroy American wealth. Given that Biden’s policies are nearly all driven by Executive Order, you, the Congress, are squarely to blame.
The Executive Branch couldn’t achieve this American downfall if the Legislative Branch were serving as a check and balance against it. Biden has assumed Congressional powers since signing 17 proclamations on his first day in office.
Congress, rather than protect against the overreach of the Executive Branch, has engaged in more expensive and illegitimate investigations of the former President and his supporters. Essentially, Congress has delegated its power to Joe Biden’s pen.
That is a dereliction of duty and violation of your oath.
We know you all saw Friday’s market plunge to its lowest levels since before Biden assumed office. If there is one thing you insider traders watch, it’s the markets.
Americans’ confidence and trust in their government has also plunged to the lowest levels since before Biden took office.
Examine your role in that, and remember your oath.
DEMAND FOR REMEDY: Impeach Biden and remove Joe Biden from office immediately.