
Pelosi Attack Being Politicized – Demand Transparency and Release the Tapes!

Everyone here at Conservative Daily is praying that Paul Pelosi has a speedy recovery from his intimate, alleged attack by David DePape on Friday. Violence is never the answer, and we unequivocally condemn this violence. 

Additionally, we condemn the media malpractice of an establishment that suppressed details of this story while pushing a narrative that is disassociated from reality. 

The details of the attack on Paul Pelosi are strange. It was 2:28 AM at the Speaker of the House’s San Francisco mansion, when a man in his underwear allegedly broke into the house and attacked Mr. Pelosi. 

Why Does the Speaker Lack Security for Her Husband?

The Speaker of the House is third in line for the President in the United States of America. Why then was a naked assailant able to break into her home in his underwear without encountering any security measures? 

At the home of the politician that is the third in line for the presidency, one would at least expect an alarm system that would trigger at a broken window. According to Insider, that’s not what happened.

“Sources told the Los Angeles Times Paul Pelosi told the intruder he needed to use the bathroom and called 911 after stepping away, leaving the line open…John Miller, [CNN’s] chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst, said Paul Pelosi secretly called 911 somehow and left the line open.”

The lack of, at a bare minimum, ADT or Brinks to protect the home and elderly husband of the Speaker is confusing. Again, she is third in line for the presidency of the United States.

Reporting of 911 Call vs. Recording of 911 Call

This media’s account of the dispatch shows Paul Pelosi, quick on his feet at 2:30AM, secretly calling the police and “communicating in code” is contrasted with the police recording of the dispatch, shared by Greg Price on Twitter:

"RP (reporting person) stated there's a male in the home and that he's going to wait for his wife. RP stated that he doesn't know who the male is but he advised that his name is David and that he is a friend. RP sounded somewhat confused.”

RP was Paul Pelosi, whose wife was reportedly in Washington D.C. so it’s unclear why he would be waiting for her in San Francisco at 2:30AM. But the more profound disclosure is that the suspect was known to Paul Pelosi – his naked attacker.

Narrative and Reality Don’t Match

As news of the attack was reported, the first mention of motive came from CNN and attempted to link the attacker to Mike Lindell as, allegedly, DePape shared Lindell’s “Absolute” series of movies on his social media. 

Within hours of news breaking, Fox News’ “journalist” Geraldo Rivera had solved the case:

“I think sometimes things are as simple as they appear. Here you have a guy wearing his underwear, clearly a crazy guy. his social media indicating that he's into wacky conspiracy theories.”

An according to Breitbart News, Biden took the opportunity to try tying the intruder to the “MAGA Republicans” he demonized in his Red Sermon earlier this year:

"President Joe Biden blamed Republicans on Friday for the attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul Pelosi, claiming that their rhetoric was responsible for inspiring the attacker. 'It’s reported that the same chant was used by this guy they have in custody that was used on January 6th in the attack on the U.S. Capitol,' Biden said. 'I’m not making this up.'"

In addition to the dispatch recording that reveals that DePape was known to the Pelosi’s and “a friend” of Paul, following the first press conference from police, a local reporter was caught on a hot mic shaping the narrative:

"Hey so is this the dude that is a former nudist dude?"

"Yea okay, is it okay to say any of that stuff?"


“Ok, but we sort of have a working knowledge of who this guy may be.”

Further, on Friday, the FBI reportedly visited a home that is tied to DePape. The rundown Victorian home is dubbed a “hippie collective” by neighbors and looks like the type of residence you’d find in a liberal college town.

Couches and trash greet you in the front yard, along with a Pride+Pot flag and Black Lives Matter signage. The media are claiming he was radicalized to right wing causes in recent months. 

Paul Pelosi is Getting a Lot of Press This Year

These emerging details that contradict the official narrative – that DePape was a violent, right wing extremist – aren’t being shared by the mainstream media. Even Fox News is shaping the story as a random attack by a mentally ill stranger. 

The media needs to be asked where their journalistic curiosity escaped to considering there are still many unanswered questions:

Did DePape arrive naked or disrobe in the Pelosi’s home?

Did DePape cut or otherwise injure himself breaking the window or climbing through it?

Had DePape been to the Pelosi’s home before?

Where did the hammer come from? Is it Pelosi’s or DePape’s? 

Where was the “anti-government” manifesto found?

Were either parties to the attack intoxicated? 

What was the nature of Pelosi and DePape’s relationship?

We have a right to be skeptical of what the Pelosi family tells us. In August, Paul Pelosi was convicted by the Napa County Superior Court for driving under the influence following a collision with injuries. That was another circumstance where the narrative provided by the Pelosi family and their media friends quickly fell apart as new evidence came to light. 

From the Napa County DA’s Office on August 23, 2022: 

“Judge Solga sentenced Mr. Pelosi to the following consequences: (1) placed on summary probation for 3 years; (2) pay a $1723 court fine; (3) serve 5 days in jail; (4) submit to a blood, breath, or urine test if requested by any law enforcement officer or probation officer if suspected of driving with a measurable amount of alcohol; (5) pay $4927.53 in victim restitution for medical bills and lost wages as well as a standard $150 restitution fine; (6) do not operate a motor vehicle with a measurable amount of alcohol; (7) immediately enroll in, pay for, and successfully complete a licensed DUI program for 3 months; (8) do not operate a motor vehicle unless it is equipped with a functioning, certified ignition device for 1 year.  Based upon this conviction, the Department of Motor Vehicles can suspend Mr. Pelosi’s driver’s license for one year.  The Court will retain jurisdiction for any future restitution bills.”

Does the Truth Matter?

Everyone has a right to feel safe and secure in the home, and certainly Mr. Pelosi did not deserve such a violent attack. Again, we are praying for his full recovery. 

But when such an attack is quickly used to demonize the political opposition of the victim’s wife – in contradiction to and through the suppression of material facts to the case – we have a journalistic duty to report the truth.  

Those surrounding the Pelosi family have chosen to politicize this horrific attack, and that needs to be countered. Additionally, given the power dynamics at play, we must demand complete transparency for the American People. 


Here is today’s letter to congress.


We the People are praying for Paul Pelosi’s recovery. But we hear politicians politicizing the event and attempting to link a nudist friend of the Pelosi family to Republicans, and we are disgusted. 

Everyone has a right to feel safe and secure in the home, and certainly Mr. Pelosi did not deserve such a violent attack. Again, we are praying for his full recovery. 

But when such an attack is quickly used to demonize the political opposition of the victim’s wife – in contradiction to and through the suppression of material facts to the case – YOU have a duty of transparency. 

  • What was the nature of Pelosi and DePape’s relationship?

  • Had DePape been to the Pelosi’s home before?

  • Do the Pelosi’s have a home security system?

  • Did DePape arrive naked or disrobe in the Pelosi’s home?

  • Did DePape cut or otherwise injure himself when he allegedly broke the window or climbed through it?

  • Where did the hammer come from? Is it Pelosi’s or DePape’s? 

  • Where was the “anti-government” manifesto found?

  • Were either parties to the attack intoxicated? 

Given that the President has now attempted to link this attacker to his political opposition, the police body camera footage and all government documents surrounding the event must be disclosed to the public.

Those surrounding the Pelosi family have chosen to politicize this horrific attack. Given the power dynamics at play – that two of three most powerful politicians in America are running with the “alt-right attacker” narrative, we demand complete transparency for the American People. 

DEMAND FOR REMEDY: Release Paul Pelosi’s 911 Call and the Police Body Camera Footage.

It was just a few months ago that the American People were lied to – by the government, law enforcement and the media – about Paul Pelsoi’s DUI. Given that this new attack is being used for political advantage, you have a duty to tell the people the truth. 


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