There is a glorious story in Breitbart this morning, with John Nolte dropping the mic on the comical narratives – and those who push it. Nolte writes:
“Outside of losing their moral authority and influence, the corporate media are becoming more incompetent by the day. Fifteen years ago, with billions of corporate dollars backing their lies and a near-monopoly on public information, this frame-up would have worked like a charm. But the execution would not have been as ham-handed as this one. These people are not just fascist and corrupt; they’re idiots.”
In other words, we are the news now.
Pew Research reported last week that half of Americans under 30 have greater trust in social media than national news organizations. In mid October, a Gallup poll showed that just 7% of American adults have a great deal of trust and confidence in newspapers, TV and radio news, 28% don’t have much confidence in media, while 38% have none at all.
The 38% of Americans with zero trust in the media is a record high and, when you combine it with the 28% that don’t have much, that’s a majority of the country, folks.
Still, the establishment relies on the media to push their propaganda nonstop and demonizes anyone who questions the narrative.
Here’s today’s letter to Congress.
Today, Breitbart is reporting how you all have completely failed to convince Americans of the ridiculous narrative about Paul Pelosi’s attack. Your stranglehold on information has deteriorated so much that the number of Americans with ZERO trust in corporate media reached a record high in October.
“Outside of losing their moral authority and influence, the corporate media are becoming more incompetent by the day. Fifteen years ago, with billions of corporate dollars backing their lies and a near-monopoly on public information, this frame-up would have worked like a charm. But the execution would not have been as ham-handed as this one. These people are not just fascist and corrupt; they’re idiots.”
Half of Americans under 30 have greater trust in social media than national news organizations (Pew). A stunning 38% have no – zero, none – trust in mainstream news at all.
In case you’re wondering why, it’s because the American sees the media – and the establishmentarians that use the media to push falsehoods – as lying liars who lie.
We don’t believe you. Pretty much about anything, because you’ve broken our trust and continue to lie.
DEMAND FOR REMEDY: Abandon your narrative and return to the truth. Come clean.
Remember your oath.