Now that Republicans will control the House of Representatives in the next session, they are previewing the investigations they plan to conduct -- Now that Republicans have a chance to govern, their number one priority must be to rebuild Public Trust.
Last week, Ashe in America published the case for impeachment, including two draft articles of impeachment:
Joe Biden’s High Crimes Against Humanity via Tony Fauci and the “whole of government response” to Covid-19 Vaccinations that the White House loves to brag about.
Joe Biden’s high crime of selling out the American People to China through his money-laundering operation in Ukraine and other foreign nations.
Because of the research and investigative work of the American people – Daily Clout and Marco Polo USA and hundreds of other independent researchers and journalists, these Articles of Impeachment are relatively copy and paste from the professional, citizen-generated reports already in the public sphere.
We the People do not need to fund any additional investigations on these two matters. It’s time for action.
When President Trump was elected, the establishment fabricated crimes and engaged in FOUR YEARS of investigations and multiple impeachments – at OUR expense. We don’t need that. We simply need the newly elected Congress to impeach and remove Biden so we can prosecute the already investigated and meticulously documented crimes.
The House has the power to impeach. Nancy Pelosi set the example for how much power the House has – even without a friendly Senate.
If the Republicans do, in fact, take the House of Representatives, they must attempt to rebuild Public Trust.
Public trust requires accountability.
Here is today’s letter to Congress.
From covid crimes against humanity to covid vaccine genocide to influence-peddling and money laundering, Joe Biden and his associates’ crimes are well documented.
You have all seen the Pfizer data – the reason they wanted to suppress that data for 75 years is clear. You have all received the Biden Laptop report. It alone is enough to impeach Joe many times over. Here is a first draft of the first two Articles of Impeachment:
Joe Biden’s High Crimes Against Humanity via Tony Fauci and the “whole of government response” to Covid-19 Vaccinations that the White House loves to brag about.
Joe Biden’s high crime of selling out the American People to China through his money-laundering operation in Ukraine and other foreign nations.
We the People do not need to fund any additional investigations on these two matters. It’s time for action.
When President Trump was elected, the establishment fabricated crimes and engaged in FOUR YEARS of investigations and multiple impeachments – at OUR expense. We don’t need that. We simply need the newly elected Congress to impeach and remove Biden so we can prosecute the already investigated and meticulously documented crimes.