
Reject the Proxy War with Russia through Ukraine

We are in an illegal undeclared  war with Russia which Congress has not approved using Ukraine as our proxy. We the People do not consent to sending our dollars or children to go fight, kill and die for a questionable cause with roots mired in conflicts of interest. 
War is a racket, and this proxy war is no different. Joe Biden and his son Hunter have too many questionable ties to shady business dealings and multimillion dollar payouts to shell corporations used by his family to ignore, yet here congress is ignoring the herd of elephants in the room and keeps marching towards the ultimate goal of World War III. 
Congress is clearly uncurious, uninterested, and possibly complicit in defrauding taxpayers through a complex money laundering scheme using Ukraine and its corrupt politicians as a funnel for a portion of billions of dollars to return in the form of contributions into future campaigns or into foundations set up for these reason. 
It is time to DEMAND Congress to withdraw support to Ukraine and enter into peace talks with Russia. 
It is time to DEMAND Congress examine and investigate Biden’s corruption in regards to Ukraine and as we have, draw conclusions in regards to his fervent support of the country he entrenched in.

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