
IMPEACH Biden's Conniving, Incompetent Dogs: Attorney General Merrick Garland

This is treacherous, highlights an unequal enforcement of tax law, and represents a violation of the Justice System!
The DOJ, led by Merrick Garland, has been accused of covering for the Biden family during the Hunter Biden investigation. Highly credible IRS Whistleblowers Joseph Ziegler and Gary Shapley have alleged that during the criminal investigation, "Justice Department officials slow-walked the criminal probe into Hunter Biden’s tax issues, stymied their efforts to obtain subpoenas and search warrants, and repeatedly blocked prosecutors from filing felony charges." As a result, there are calls from Republicans for Garland's impeachment if the alleged statements from whistleblowers are confirmed, pointing to potential DOJ collusion during the Hunter Biden investigation.
Fortunately, this Wednesday, Hunter Biden's sweetheart plea deal was denied, opening the door for him to potentially be prosecuted not only for his tax crimes but also for other evidence found on his laptop.
Readers, it is crucial that the voice of the American people is heard. Our elected officials must be made aware that the current individuals working on this case have shown themselves to be biased, corrupted, and unfit to enforce the laws equally. We urge you to demand that those in the DOJ, FBI, and IRS who are currently working on this case do so with impartiality and in accordance with the principles of justice, without favoritism toward the Biden Family.
There is still time to let our elected officials know that we demand accountability and justice in the Hunter Biden case! Send your instant FaxBlast to Congress and demand that they encourage investigations into the DOJ, FBI, and IRS regarding the handling of the Hunter Biden criminal case!

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