
The House Needs To WORK! We Pay Our Representatives - No Speaker DOES NOT Mean NO WORK!

With or without a Speaker, the House still needs to conduct business and GET TO WORK! 
The absence of a speaker has placed the House in a state of inaction. Pressing issues that demand immediate attention like the persecution of the J6 patriots, the investigation into the Biden Crime family, and the border, have all been placed on the back burner — and it is unacceptable!
Even without a speaker, the House committees can still conduct business they can still function, they can still WORK. And considering how pressing the issues our country is facing are – they MUST still work. 
We must use our voice and demand that Congress, who is paid and works for us, continue to conduct business and work on these issues, even in the absence of a Speaker! Send this fax today! Use your voice! 

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