
Poisoning Humanity - Demand Criminal Charges for Covid Jab - WEF, WHO, GAVI, Gates, Fauci

DEMAND Charges of CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY for Those Involved in the COVID Vaccine!
We are at a critical crossroads as recent revelations have raised alarming concerns about the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines.
Pascal Najadi, the son of a World Economic Forum co-founder, is demanding justice, calling for criminal charges against entities like the WEF, WHO, GAVI, Pfizer, Bill Gates, and more, for the bioweapons they developed, released, and pushed across the globe. 
We must follow Najadi's lead and insist on justice. Congress must charge these criminals with crimes against humanity. Send this Fax Blast to your representatives in Congress those involved with the COVID vaccines face criminal charges! 

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